$49.00 USD

Navigating Morning Sickness Mini-Course

All the Midwife-Approved, Mom-Tested Natural Remedies for Morning Sickness are gathered in the Navigating Morning Sickness Mini-Course, so that you can focus on the solutions instead of miserably searching the internet for them.

Here I share everything I’ve learned in my decades as a midwife helping morning sick moms and researching better solutions. You’ll benefit from the emergence of a root-cause theme, and the evolution of an extensive collection of tools that help each woman personalize her own treatment.

You’ll have immediate access to:

  • Morning Sickness 101 (Orientation Video)
    • Welcome! Start here with my introduction to Navigating Morning Sickness, and to get the ‘lay of the land’ on how to begin, where to begin, and all that you’ll be able to do to help your personal situation.
  • Morning Sickness Course Book (50+ page eBook download)
    • Reach for relief with dozens of practical solutions, along with detailed instructions for easy implementation. Together we’ll explore the bigger picture, and with so many ideas, you’ll always have another option to try.
  • Guided Visualization (Audio download)     
    • Visualization is an extremely effective technique for relief of pain and symptoms of all kinds. I’ve used it with clients throughout all stages of their maternity care, and they often remark on how much more calm and comfortable they feel. I recorded this visualization especially for moms with morning sickness, and hope it helps you!
  • Printable Affirmations and Handbook (12 page eBook download)
    • Way more than fluffy feel goods, these affirmations are a powerful tool to transform your inner dialogue. Print them out and use my directions to enhance the benefits of all of your healing efforts.
  • BONUS!!  Pregnancy Tea eBook (15+ page eBook download) 
    • Pregnancy tea often brings great relief to the sufferers of morning sickness, but there are always many questions first. Be fully informed with this consummate tutorial on the use of herbal tea in pregnancy, the safety of red raspberry and nettles, complete directions, and even how to make Labor Cubes.
  • BONUS!!  Protein Guide (15 page eBook download)
    • Getting ample protein during pregnancy can buffer you and your baby from the risk of innumerable complications. The Protein Guide includes everything you need to know for easily identifying and maximizing your ideal protein intake, from understanding the different types, to tips on sneaking in more, and everything you’ve wondered about protein powders and the safety of fish.


Here’s to a calm tummy,
and your beautiful, healthy baby!